
Webinar - Kỹ thuật kiểm tra/phân tích Pin Lithium-ion

Các kỹ thuật tiên tiến kiểm tra/phân tích Pin Lithium-ion

Speaker - Petr Klímek Ph.D. (TESCAN GROUP - C.H Séc) :

Topic: Introduction to TESCAN's Microscopy Analytical Solutions for Energy Materials

Petr Klímek, Ph.D. will guide this webinar with his profound background in materials science and microscopy.

What’s waiting for you:
  • In-depth Analysis of Battery Materials: Learn how TESCAN’s analytical solutions drive data acquisition through each phase of the battery production.
  • Advanced Characterization Techniques: Uncover how ToF-SIMS on FIB-SEM technology drive battery material innovations.
  • 3D Analytical Advancements: Understand the complex inner workings of battery components and their application efficacy.
  • Pioneering Battery Research: Participate in a dialogue on methods that not only enhance battery life and performance but also uphold the principles of safety and environmental stewardship.




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